Friday, April 27, 2012

8 months old!

Using mommy's phone for entertainment/chew toy

Doesn't go anywhere without her wubanub 

Allie is becoming such a little person with so much personality, and she's quite the little diva I might add.  At eight months old she's already very head strong, and she knows how to get what she wants.  It's not that hard though, I'm kind of a sucker.  

She now has six teeth, two on bottom and four on top.  She grew all four top teeth last week, that's quite an accomplishment for one week.  Needless to say, I've had a lot of sleepless nights.  

She wants to be on the move so bad she can't stand it.  She's getting close to crawling but not quite there yet.  She has, however, figured out how to spin herself in a full circle while on her stomach.  I guess that's a part of learning to crawl.   

She's very curious about all of her surroundings and wants to get her hands on anything in sight.  If I leave her in a seated position she immediately sets her sights on something in the room and face plants to try and get to it. She's very persistent and determined...just like her daddy.

She loves standing up, she's always so proud of herself.  She's just now started trying to pull herself up, but she only makes it to her knees.  She loves her standup/walking toy from Nana.  

"Look at me, only one hand, I bet you can't do this one handed!"

One handed again, on marble floors...livin on the edge.

I know she looks terrified, but she was actually loving every
minute of it. I swear.

She's started talking...a lot.  It's more of a babble I guess, but whatever it is, it's super cute.  We think she's saying Dada, which would be her first word (other than Hi) but it's mixed in with a lot of chinese sounding language.  Here's a video so you can judge for yourself. First word or not a word at all?

She just learned yesterday how to pick up her puff cereal with her finger and thumb and get it into her mouth (the pincer grip I guess is the technical term according to google).  They used to just end up all over the floor, so this is a very exciting step for me.

She still won't take a sippy cup.  Poor little sippy cups take a beating against the highchair and end up being slammed to the floor.  I've tried several different kinds, she doesn't want anything to do with any of them.  Suggestions welcome.

More random pictures from the past month...
Always has her eye on Kiki, making sure she doesn't get too close.

Trying to pull up in her crib...probably time to lower it.  Although, I don't know 
how to do that.

Always making sure Daddy's watching her

Play time

Nap time

Playing with Daddy

Looking cute in Daddy's hat

More sweet nap time. It was really hot that day, she doesn't normally sleep naked.

She rarely wants to snuggle with me anymore so I truly cherish these moments

Bedtime "bible" reading with Daddy.  I love these
sweet moments.

Enough about Allie, let's talk about me for a second.  And the fact that I have to run 13.1 miles tomorrow morning.  Yea that's right, I'm actually going through with this.  I know, I can't believe it either.  But it's paid for and I've collected several donations for St. Jude so there's no turning back now.  I wouldn't want to disappoint all three of you who read my blog.  So wish me luck, this is really happening in less then 24 hours.  Time to go carbo-load (or is it carb-load?) on some that I can handle!


  1. i've always been number 4.

    good luck tomorrow!

  2. Yay! Good luck tomorrow. Love the pics. Allie is so cute...and always gives me an idea of what to expect with Harper in the up oncoming weeks!

  3. I'm number 5 and holding...just so you know! :) Hope you killed it today running Julie!! There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that you not only successfully finished the race but you also made it look easy to most everyone around you!! Lots of love!
