Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Calling all moms, I need help!!  I know I mentioned in my last post that Allie hasn't been the same since our last stomach virus, but things seem to be getting worse instead of better.  She refuses to eat anything but formula.  She will eat the occasional baby fruit (apples & pears only and only a small amount) & she will eat a little bit of squash.  But anything other then those foods, she adamantly refuses to even open her mouth while shaking her head back and forth so that I can't even get near her mouth.  I'm beyond frustrated, I feel like I've taken 10 steps back.  She went from being an easy going food loving baby who would eat anything you presented her, to a tantrum throwing picky little girl who won't eat anything.  This last stomach virus seriously turned our world upside down.

Upon the advice of several friends, I tried giving her 'finger' foods last night.  I tried peas and carrots, which ended up smashed all over the highchair.  I tried the oat cereal bites, which ended up all over the floor.  I'm having no luck, and every day she seems to get more and more defiant when it comes to food.  

And to add insult to injury, we're also having sleeping issues, that I also mentioned in my last post.  She constantly wakes up screaming throughout the night.  The first few times, I can soothe her with a paci and a back rub and she's back to sleep.  But after about the 3rd time she wakes up, she will scream until I pick her up.  I know she's exhausted because as soon as I pick her up, she's passed out on my chest in seconds.  I just don't know what's going on with her and I'm not sure how to get my happy baby back.  It feels like someone kidnapped my sweet little happy 6 month old and replaced her with a colicy newborn.  (I've tried motrin, oragel, & teething tablets and none of them seem to help, so I don't think teething is to blame, but I'm hoping I'm wrong) HELP!!!!  

Don't get me wrong, she's still a sweet angel 90% of the time.  It's just during eating and sleeping time that the claws come out.   

On a more positive note, here are some recent pics of my SWEET little girl!

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